Meet Your Guide
Photo by Tanya Szustaczek
Hi, I am Chris Doran, a retired Physical Education and Art teacher.
I was born in the UK from an Irish cultural heritage and I now reside in the beautiful town of Elora, Ontario.
For many years I have been an avid outdoors adventurer with a particularly keen interest in trail running. A few years ago while grieving the loss of my wife, I was drawn to the profession of Forest Therapy Guiding and I pursued the interest to train and qualify as an Association of Nature and Forest Therapy (ANFT) guide.
I am also available for the talk, ‘An Introduction to Forest Bathing’ previously presented to Elora Environmental Centre members and York University Teacher Education students.
My other interests include painting and animal welfare work.
ANFT guide certified
Wilderness First Aid and CPR certified
BA(Hons) Physical Education/English
Ontario Master Naturalist Certificate
Reconciliation Education Certificate (Season 1)
Association of Nature and Forest Therapy
Nature and Forest Therapy of Canada
Elora Environment Centre
Tree Trust
Escarpment Biosphere Conservancy
Bruce Trail Conservancy

My Inspiration
At the end of the training to become a Forest Therapy Guide we were encouraged to celebrate by reflecting on what we had harvested from the course.
My harvest was the realization that my wife Tammy had unknowingly set me on a new pathway for life and inspired me to follow it and this is the piece I wrote.
During Tammy’s Chemotherapy treatment, she began to write poems and songs. ‘Thank You Mother Earth’ was inspired by her time meditating in the forest and was written one month before her passing.
Doran, Chris. Walk on. Acrylic, oil pastel, conte crayon. 2022.
Emerald Echoes - What’s in a name?
A verdant shade of nature which symbolizes balance and harmony. The colour of luck, freshness and renewal, emerald is thought to help balance emotions and promote a sense of calm and clarity.
It is also a respectful reference back to Ireland, the home of my ancestors.
Thoughts, memories, feelings, emotions that may return to you through a renewed, reciprocal relationship with nature and reverberate in your soul.
Also embodies my personal journey back to my Celtic roots and rediscovery of their nature-based culture that this guiding pathway has returned me to.
Nature in gaelic is nádúr, which denotes all Nature; the natural world around us, the material world, and our own human nature. It does not divide nature into us, humans, and the more-than-human-world. Nádúr is not divisible, it covers all of life.

“If you go off into a far, far forest, and get very quiet, you’ll come to understand you are connected with everything.
— Alan Watts