Thank You Mother Earth

Thank You Mother Earth 
by Tammy MacDonald-Doran

Thank You Mother Earth 
You are a treasure to behold 
Thank you Mother Earth 
For all the gifts that you bestow 

Thank you for the land 
For all the bounty it provides 
For the trees and the animals 
The flowers and the bees 
Who all work in harmony 
To meet our varied needs 

Thank you for the air 
And the breeze to cool us down 
Thank you for the oxygen 
That nourishes our bodies so we can be strong
Thank you for the gales 
Where the birds have so much fun 

Thank you for the water 
That refreshes us when we are parched
Thank you for the tides 
That keep Mother Earth's rhythm in check
Thank you for the rain 
That helps our gardens grow 

Thank you for the fire 
That heats us both inside and out 
Thank you for the passion 
That is stirred by its light 
Thank you for the illumination 
That brightens up the world 
Thank you for the burning 
That helps a new seed grow 

Thank you for the space 
That gives all a chance to be 
Thank you for the stillness
That gives us a chance to breathe
Thank you for the emptiness
That fills us all inside 

Thank you Goddess Moon For your quintessential glow
Thank you for the picture 

Of a Man in the Moon 

Thank you for your phases That sends magic into the air 

Thank you Mother Earth 
For taking good care of me
Thank you Mother Earth 
For the gifts you provide so eagerly
Thank you mother earth 
For your constant generosity

Thank you…

About Tammy MacDonald

Tammy MacDonald-Doran was a Blind and Low Vision teacher, an amazing mother of two sons and my wife for 24 years who passed away on August 7th 2020, aged 52, after a long and courageous duel with cancer.